October 11 & 12 is a time for parents and guardians to connect with your child’s teacher. Goal setting meetings will be in person and we encourage you to set up a meeting. If those two evenings do not work, please reach out to your child’s teacher to set up another date and time.
Please complete your child’s Annual Enrollment forms located in Powerschool Parent Portal. Completing this on the app or cellphone is not the best. We do have computers at the school if you need to use one. We still have over 66
Thank you for your donations to our Terry Fox fundraiser! We were able to raise $4260.41 through cash donations and our hot dog lunch fundraiser. Thank you to Sobey’s for donating hotdog buns, Woynorowski family for donating the hotdogs and DQ for supplying Dilly bars! Mr. Weiss will be sporting a new haircut very soon because we reached our goal of $2000!
Read More….October 23 24 newsletter